The Truth About Client-Agency Relationships

The Truth About Client-Agency Relationships

The Truth About Client-Agency Relationships 150 150 DAY Vision Marketing

When you work with us, you start a relationship with a company who cares.
Working with DAY Vision is more than just “you’re hired, do the work and that’s it.” Working with us means starting a serious relationship and collaborating with a highly creative, excited team of completely unique individuals who have your company’s best interest and success at mind. That being said, here’s a breakdown of what it’s like to get into a relationship with us.

First date: Getting to know each other
We’ve all been through the dreaded “first date’ with a potential partner. The good news is, your first date with us is much less painful. We’re generally interested in your business’s history, and we will be asking lots of questions in order to get to know you. And don’t worry, we won’t bring up our exes.

Second date: It’s getting serious
After we’ve broken the getting to know you bubble, we’ll be able to dive head-first into the serious stuff. We’ll start making suggestions, giving you our honest opinion and planning for your business’s future. We will work with you and try to bring your vision to life the best that we can, but we will also be honest with you and let you know if there is anything that we feel needs improvement. Maybe it’s even time to order Christmas cards.

Third date: Make it Facebook official
By this point in the relationship we’re rolling. We keep you up to date on all our current open tasks for your job and send you updates along the way. Projects are flowing, creativity is booming and your business is starting to see the effects of great marketing. At this point, it’s obvious that we should be Facebook official. We will share our excitement to be working with you on our social media channels, website and more.

To infinity and beyond: Grow old together
You should know that we’re in it for the long haul. Marketing is never truly finished—design trends are always evolving, content will need updating, and social media accounts will need to be monitored. Longevity and change is truly the name of the game. We’ll continue to be the creative geniuses behind your growing business so you have time to focus on your job. One day, we’ll be in rocking chairs.

Ready for that first date? Let us know!