Improving Your Contact Page

Improving Your Contact Page

Improving Your Contact Page 150 150 DAY Vision Marketing

A contact page is a page that every website should have, but also a page that many websites may over look. Whether you have a large online store or small restaurant website you should have a well-designed contact page with a functioning contact form. Your contact page can be the difference between getting a new customer and losing a customer. Lets take a look at some tips and aspects of good contact page design.

Easy Access- Keep your contact page easily accessible. It doesn’t have to be in your main navigation but don’t make your customers search for it. Wherever you choose to place it, it should be easy for the customer to find. There is nothing worse then trying to find a contact page and not being able to. You are more likely to frustrate the customer and lose them. Keeping your contact page easily accessible makes your customers feel like you want to be contacted and will give them a sense of reassurance and security.

Forms and Text- Most modern websites use some type of contact form, which is a good thing. It is also a good idea for you to list your contact information somewhere on your page in text form. This way your customers can copy and paste the info if they have the need to. Providing both will satisfy customers who want to fill out a contact form and those who would rather copy and paste the information into their email. This may seem like an obvious suggestion, but make sure all the contact information listed is up to date and accurate.

Simple and to the Point- Keep your contact form simple and to the point. Only ask for information that you really need. Within your contact form you will most likely have certain fields required. Only require the fields that are absolutely necessary.

Map it Out- In this modern age of ecommerce businesses many companies don’t have physical locations for customers to shop. If your business has an actual location or multiple locations then it is a good idea to include directions and some kind of map on your contact page. This can be directly on the contact page or it could be a sub link of the page. If you do have multiple store locations then you may want to include some kind of store locator.

Keep Your Form Functioning- Lastly and probably the most important thing is that your contact form is working. Once a customer fills out the form give them some kind of acknowledgement that their message has been sent. Also, send a simple thank you message stating that you will get back to them as soon as possible. Another seemingly obvious statement is to make sure the email account your form is going to works properly. So take the time to test your contact form and make sure it works.

By utilizing these tips you will have better communication with your customers. Whether your trying to make sales or get leads a functioning contact form will help you achieve your goals.